


Approximate Shade
Presented Shade is a computer projected and might be slightly differ from the shade obtained on a particular material.

Product Properties

Product Name C.I. No. Specification Oil Absorption Heat Resistance (°C) Light Fastness Acid Resistance Alkali Resistance Water Resistance Oil Resistance
UPU 153 PB 15.3 Standard Colour Universal Type 35-45 240 7 5 5 5 5
UPH 153 PB 15.3 Hydrophilic and Good Strength 35-45 240 7 5 5 5 5
UPF 153 PB 15.3 Excellent Flow And Dispersibility 35-45 280 8 5 5 5 5
UPG 153 PB 15.3 Greenish, Excellent Wetting Ability 35-45 280 8 5 5 5 5
UPGC 153 PB 15.3 Greenish And Low Conductivity 35-45 280 8 5 5 5 5
UPRC 153 PB 15.3 Redder And Low Conductivity 35-45 280 8 5 5 5 5
UPHG 153 PB 15.3 Low Viscosity High Gloss 35-45 240 8 5 5 5 5

Product Applications

Offset Water Base NC PP PA Gravure Solvent Base Water Base Refinished Paint Textiles Plastics Fibre Rubber
UPU 153 PB 15.3 A R A A A A A A A R A A A
UPH 153 PB 15.3 A A A A A A A A A R R R
UPF 153 PB 15.3 R A A A A A A A A A
UPG 153 PB 15.3 R A A R A A A A A A
UPGC 153 PB 15.3 R R A A A A A
UPRC 153 PB 15.3 R A A A A A A
UPGC 153 PB 15.3 A A A A A A A
UPUK 153 PB 15.3 A
UPU 153 PB 15.3 For Solvent Inks
UPL 153 PB 15.3 A A
UPA 153 PB 15.3 A
UPDX 153 PB 15.3 A A
UPUV 153 PB 15.3 For UV Inks
UPDO 153 PB 15.3 For Cold offset
Note: All above data is elaborated carefully and are based on our experience and can rely upon them. However we cannot take any responsibility for the result/data as they are completely depend on the quality of fabric and dyeing parameters and local conditions of dyeing applications.